About us
YO!Unite is a youth-driven initiative to activate Sustainable Leadership for National Unity through Open Governance and Diversity Integration in Nigeria.
YO!Unite challenges youths to embody the Pride of Pan-Nigeria Unity as a national development commodity to guarantee Sociocultural Productivity and National Transformation.
YO!Unite Nigeria is situated to promote democratic possibilities for the people through the activation of Inclusive development to guarantee National Unity for security and prosperity, anchored on a YO!United Nigeria Agenda.
The YO!Unite Nigeria Initiative rides on the conviction that only a National Unity mandate stands a chance to reshape, retool and repurpose the Democratic Diversity Dividends of a multicultural, multi-religious and multi-ethnic Nation like Nigeria. Hence, we cannot continue to ignore the need for national reawakening to steer the ship of a New Nigeria beyond the narrowed views of party, religious, ethnic and mercantile interests. We need to be 'Yo!United' as Nigerians for a better Nigeria.
Let's YO!Unite Nigeria!
"Let's YO!Unite Nigeria" is a NextGen mandate to mobilize young Voter-Citizens to cultivate voices,visions and robust political exchange towards forging our ethnic-lingual Nationalities into a progressive democratic commodity of National Transformation, through Omni-channel cultural integration platforms, programs and project for a New Nigeria.
YO!Unite is situated as the first Pan-Nigeria Unity and Sustainable Democracy Marketplace for National Youth Integration, Political Inclusion, and Open Governance engagement and empowerment for National prosperity. A Socio-political and Cultural Integration Marketplace to connect over 10 million future leaders of Nigeria across every community to activate a "Yo!United Nigeria Mandate" anchored on a commitment to Democratic Devolution, Restructuring and Fiscal Autonomy for sustainable empowerment and economic development.
YO!Unity Mandate
#Yo!Unity for Democracy…Youth Driving the Peace for National Prosperity.
Work to create socio-economic opportunities to strengthen Cultural Integration.
Uplift the Political Opportunities of every ethnic-lingual Nationality for Democratic Inclusivity.
Ensure National orientation and mentorship for the next generation through heritage and history engagement Programs.
Activate transformative youth leadership through Open Governance Mechanisms.
Kickstart Citizen Empowerment for Inclusive Democracy Project through the National Heritage Integration Marshalls Program.